First Name:
Middle Initial:
Last Name:
Address 2:
Zip Code:
Home Phone:
Cell Phone:

Why do you wish to volunteer with Chess Corps?

Number of Hours per week:
Please estimate the number of hours per week that you will be able to commit to volunteering. Note that volunteers are expected to devote a minimum of 5 hours per week.

Please describe your past volunteer experience (if any).

Please describe your past teaching experience (if any). Specify the type of teaching and the age group(s) that you have worked with.

Please describe any special skills and interests (computer skills, areas of expertise, etc.) that would enable you to uniquely contribute to the Chess Corps office and learning environments.

Do you have a car?
Our programs are located in various sites throughout the Greater Boston area. Although a car is not required to volunteer, it is useful to know which volunteers have access to cars as we coordinate our events.

Please feel free to use the space below to tell us anything about yourself which may be relevant to your volunteer experience with Chess Corps. We look forward to getting to know you.

Submit Cover Letter:
Submit Resume: